This article explains how to set up a maximum outbound rate rule for international calls. It guides you on how to find the outbound rate for the country you want to call. By setting a maximum outbound rate, you can block any calls with a rate higher than the specified one. For instance, if the rate for calling India is $0.0299 per minute, you can block calls to countries with higher rates, adding an extra layer of security to your account.
To set a maximum outbound call rate:
Log in to Flowroute Manage Portal.
First, check the rate for the country you call. For this example, we are checking the outbound call rate for India.
Click Billing, and then click Outbound Rates.
A list of the current outbound rates, arranged alphabetically by country, appears. This list can also be downloaded and saved locally by clicking Download All Rates.NOTE: Rates are subject to change. Always verify the rate before making any changes to your account.
Search for the country for which you want to set up a maximum outbound rate. Note the rate down. You'll use this as the baseline for setting up your maximum outbound rate. In this example, we're using INDIA - MAHARASHTRA with a rate of $0.0299 per minute.
Next, set a maximum outbound rate.
Click the Preferences menu, and then click Fraud Control.
Go to the Maximum Outbound Rate section.
In the Block outbound calls... field, enter the rate that blocks any call if the outbound per minute rate exceeds the rate specified here. For example, if you call INDIA - MAHARASHTRA at a rate of $0.0299 per minute, then you would want to set up a maximum outbound rate rule that blocks calls with an outbound rate higher than $0.0299 per minute.
IMPORTANT: If the per minute rate increases for the country or countries you typically call, you'll need to change your maximum outbound rate setting; otherwise, the rule will block any outbound call if the per minute rate you enter here is less than the updated rate.
Click Change.
You're all set up and good-to-go!
NOTE: You can also set up a Destination Whitelist rule. Calls can also be made to the countries added to this list, regardless of the rate.
Alternatively, you can create a strict whitelist instead. A strict whitelist only allows calls to the countries on the list, regardless of any maximum outbound rate. Outbound calls are blocked to countries that are not on the strict whitelist.