If you are using SIP Registration for your Flowroute connection, you can review your connection status on the Manage portal by navigating to “Interconnections” and then the “Status” tab.
Connection status - If your PBX is successfully registered to Flowroute, you will find its registered IP address under “Edge Node” and the connected Point of Presence (PoP) under (PoP) Point of Presence.
Inbound routes: If you see "retired" in your Inbound Routes settings, you will need to adjust your PBX trunk settings to use one of the PoPs listed on the bottom of the Registration page.
You will need to use ALL listed PoPs in your region to correctly use Flowroute's SIP signaling.
IMPORTANT: Every signaling domain added from here will also need to be added to any Firewalls or NATs which filter your traffic.
Flowroute PoPs use load balancing to keep your traffic as fast as possible. This means that the signal can come from any of the listed domains, and will need to be accounted for in any protections or PBX connections.
Firewall requirements
Please visit Registration page for the most relevant information about PoP options, Firewall Requirements, and to find your SIP Credentials.