Update email addresses

Primary Email Address

This is the primary contact email address that will be used for account logins and official account notifications.

IMPORTANT: change of a primary email address requires confirmation via Email.

  1. Log into your Flowroute Manage Portal.

  2. Click Preferences on the left side panel.

  3. The landing page will be Account Information. Scroll down to the Account e-mail address section.    

  4. Update the email on file with the new email address.    

  5. Use the Save button located right under this section to apply changes.

  6. You’ll need to confirm this change by clicking the link in the notification sent to the new email address. Once updated, the new email address appears next to the “Current email:” text.

Portability Email Address

This email address is specifically used for receiving updates about Port Orders.

  1. Log into your Flowroute Manage Portal.

  2. Click Preferences on the left side panel.  

  3. The landing page will be Account Information. Scroll down until you see the Portability email address section.    

  4. Update the email on file with the new portability email address.    

  5. Use the Save button located right under this section to apply changes. Once updated, the new email address appears next to the “Current email:” text.

Billing Email Address

This is the email address you'd like to receive notifications about billing-related activity.

  1. Log into your Flowroute Manage Portal.

  2. Click Preferences on the left side panel.  

  3. The landing page will be Account Information. Scroll down till you see the Billing e-mail address section.  

  4. Update the e-mail on file with the new billing e-mail address.    

  5. Use the Save button located right under this section to apply changes. Once updated, the new email address appears next to the “Current email:” text.