Add Funds to Your Account

Before you begin: You need to have a credit card on file. You can find the steps to add a credit card in this article here.

  1. Log into Flowroute Manage Portal. By default, your Account Profile page displays. Your available funds appear in the Balance section.

  2. In the Balance section, enter the amount you would like to deposit in the Add Credit field.

  3. Click the “Add Credit” button to authorize the payment.

    NOTE: When you first activate your account, you must deposit at least a US $40. Thereafter, each time you add funds to your account, a US $20 minimum is required.

    Alternatively, you can add credit by expanding the balance menu located at the bottom left corner on every page. Click the “Add button to authorize the payment when prompted.

    You're all set! Additionally, you can set up low balance notifications to let you know when your balance reaches a certain limit and auto-replenishment payments to fund your account when a certain balance is reached.